Since Slobodan Milosevic was ousted in Oct 2000 Serbia has had seven governments and seven prime-ministers.
From Oct 24, 2000, until Jan 25, 2001, Milomir Minić, (SPS), headed Serbia's so-called interim government.
Zoran Đinđić (DS), and his cabinet were sworn in on Jan 25, 2001. Đinđić was the serving prime minister when he was assassinated on Mar 12,2003.
DOS coalition leaders Nebojša Čović (Mar 12-16) and Žarko Korać (Mar 16-18) took turns as acting premiers from Mar 2003.
Zoran Živković (DS) was appointed and remained at the helm of the cabinet from Mar 18, 2003, until Mar 3, 2004.
Vojislav Koštunica, DSS, was premier in two mandates, from Mar 3, 2004 until July 7 2008.
Vojislav Koštunica, DSS.
Marko Cvetkovic, (DS), chosen by party leader Boris Tadic and confirmed as prime minister on July 7 2008 by parliament.
Richard Cowper
Useful links
Balkan Insight
Montenegro Times
Economist on Croatia
Inside Croatia
Guardian on Kosovo
BBC News
London FT
Herald Tribune
New York Times
The Guardian
Misha Glenny
Tim Judah
Stefan Wagstyl
Montenegro Property
Adventure Race
Rent a House